Hockey Canada

Create 12 pages magazine with coverpage, ads and story page. 
Hockey is an intense rivalry sport. Choose black and red and dark blue as the main colour because they will make people think of powerful and exciting intense sports activities when they are together. Add yellow colour to the page to make the content page fit well with the pictures. 
Tools Used
InDesign | Photoshop

Iceland Rules

Creat a 4 page magazine and recreat the magezine in a different layout. Only use layout and typrography.
Choose a light blue colour which will make people think of cold because the theme of this magazine is Iceland travelling. The Illustrations are fun. When those characters stand in front of the photograph, it will bring people a feeling as those characters are guiding them to Iceland. The characters are wearing jackets which fit Iceland’s cold weather. The magazine will look more serious when removing those characters from the magazine. It will be suitable for those people who only want the information. 
Tools Used
Indesign | Procreate | Adobe Illustrator