The Plague

Book cover design of The Plague (written by Camus)
Use dark green as the background colour because green always represents death and evil in stories. Create the illustration which makes the letter L seem like it has been crushed because the story in this book is about a town struggling in the Plague and about to be crushed. A lot of people died, and the rocks could also be those lives who died. 
Tools Used
Adobe Illustrator

Sun and Ice

This is a book written, designed, layout all by myself.
This book is a love story. Because the book’s name is Sun and Ice, The Blue and white colour represent Ice, the sun in this book is just a metaphor, so there are only ice elements that appear on the book cover. This book collects some short stories I wrote. One of them is about hockey. I like the hockey story’s title, so I choose it as the book title. 
Tools Used
Photoshop | Procreate | InDesign